Your product is your passion, and you want to help it find its way into the the hands of your customers. You likely have spent a lot of time thinking about packaging design—and sometimes just as important, you need to consider how that package will be displayed in a store. This is where an incredible POP (Point of Purchase) Display can come into play. POPs make it easy for your product to grab attention and fly off the shelf!
Here are a few things to consider to create the best possible Point of Purchase display!

1. Create a thoughtfully simple design. Your design has a lot of work to do in a short amount of time—you need to grab attention, tell your product’s story, and inspire your audience to take the next step. And this all needs to happen while everything else around them—their phones, their surroundings, their tasks and current thoughts and worries—are pulling them in every other direction. So plan your design using graphics, colors, text, and interesting printing touches and finishes that match your brand and tell your story as swiftly and clearly as possible!
2. Consider customer function and interaction. When you design, it’s clear that how the product sits in the POP should be top of mind. But there’s even more to it—consider how the customer will interact with the product once you have their interest. Is it easy to access the product? Will anything get in the way as it’s removed from the display? Does everything stay organized and contained as the display holds different quantities of the item?
3. Make it easy on the partner/store. If your POP is sent to be displayed in a store, you want to do everything you can to make it simple for employees. Everything that takes effort should be as smooth and clear as possible—from assembly to stocking the product, to keeping it organized. In some cases, you can make a POP Display as shown above—it can be used to ship the product, and the store can use it to display your product on the counter or shelf!
4. Tap into our knowledge. If you have a designer, we will happily partner with them to be sure that their concept is executed in the best possible way. If you don’t have a designer, VDC’s in-house designers are experts when it comes to designing POP displays and packaging. Either way, you get to take advantage of our passion and expertise!
Do you need a POP display that pops? Contact VDC today to get started!